Sunday, August 21, 2011

2011 Yakhopper Kayak Fishing Series, Caples Lake Trout

Drove up to Caples Lake on Saturday then crashed at the Rock Star lodge. Got up, turned in my waiver and proceeded to troll a night crawler on a spinner, behind a dodger. After a few hours of fishing with out a bite, or hearing of someone else getting fish, I began to loose hope. I found a spot that looked pretty fishy, so I trolled through there and managed to finally mark a few fishes, when I got hit. I was so excited I horsed the roughly 8in Brook Trout to my kayak, and while trying to land it, broke my leader. I proceeded to scream at the top of my lungs, as I watched it swim away with my spinner-bait in its mouth. Now upset, I trolled through there again with no bites. As I was leaving, defeated to find another spot, I talked to the guy who won first and told him what happened. He sat there and caught his winning fish. It was tough fishing, of the 50 anglers only 7 caught fish. And I missed the only one I caught.
